Zero Pain Practice
Zero Pain Philosophy Practice is an accreditation scheme open to all veterinary practices worldwide. As a Zero Pain Philosophy Practice, you are committing to practise to the highest standards of pain management according to current guidelines.
Our accreditation scheme enables you to showcase your efforts towards excellence in pain management and will set you apart as a practice working to the highest standards.
Once accredited we work to support you in marketing your accreditation. Zero Pain Practice accreditation gives you access to Zero Pain Reflect, our new style of learning available bimonthly.
Begin Your Journey to Zero Pain Practice Accreditation Online
Commence your path to recognition with our online application process, detailed below:
Application Steps:
Start: Complete the required fields and upload any necessary supporting documents through the form.
Assessment: Our Zero Pain team will review your online submission against the criteria outlined below.
Notification: Await an email within 30 days detailing the outcome of your application.
Accreditation Fulfilment: Upon successful application, your practice will receive a certificate and digital materials for social media.
Renewal Notice: A reminder will be sent to your practice 22 months following approval to renew your accreditation, ensuring uninterrupted recognition.
Key Terms:
Should the accredited veterinary professional leave, you must nominate a successor and notify us within 30 days notify us via
Accreditation Validity: Your accreditation remains valid for 24 months from the date of approval. Please submit renewal documentation 30 days prior to the expiry date.
Complaints Procedure: where a practice is deemed to be not meeting standards, this should be reported to our team.
Fee Information:
Accreditation is included within all annual practice subscriptions. If the practice cancels the subscription during the accreditation term, the full £250 will be due and a separate invoice will be issued.
The individual practice accreditation fee is £250. Click here to pay the fee.
For group practice fees please email and we will help you.
Online Form Guidance:
Complete all relevant parts of the form for your practice.
The education segment is mandatory for every applicant.
If your practice is solely focused on chronic pain, omitting the acute pain segment is acceptable.
Our scoring system is designed to benchmark your practice’s standards; there are no minimum scores required, aside from the mandatory criteria.
Submitting your application online is a significant stride towards upholding exceptional standards in pain management for animals.
1. Education
1.1 Team members are provided with educational resources on pain management. (Mandatory)
Subscription to Zero Pain Philosophy fulfils this requirement. In house training in pain management fulfils this requirement.
Upload spreadsheet list of team members with details of pain CPD within last 12 months. Document other resources used, if the practice is not a ZPP subscriber
1.2 The practice has an MRCVS/DVM or RVN/tech responsible for maintaining Zero Pain Practice certification. (Mandatory)
Name of nominated person & qualifications:
1.3a Team members have advanced qualifications in pain management/animal welfare. (20 points)
CertVA, CertAVP, MANZCVS, FANZCVS, DipECVAA, DipECAWBM, DipACVAA, MSc (Pain), DipAVN, NCert(anaes)
Upload evidence of qualifications:
Team members have completed pain management qualifications not included in 1.3a. (10 points)
Upload evidence of qualification:
1.3b Team members attended pain management CPD in the last year. (10 points)
Spreadsheet list of team members with details of pain CPD within last 12 months:
1.3c Pain practices are subject to clinical audit. (20 points)
See RCVS Knowledge for clinical audit examples.
Submit details of audit process used and results:
2. Acute Pain Assessment
2.1 Pain scoring is routinely performed for dogs. (Mandatory)
ie: Short Form Glasgow Composite Pain Scale
Detail which pain score is used. Upload evidence of pain scoring for 5 cases:
2.2 Pain scoring is routinely performed for cats. (Mandatory)
ie: Glasgow Pain Scale for cats. Feline Grimace Scale.
Detail which pain score is used. Upload evidence of pain scoring for 5 cases:
2.3 Analgesic intervention is provided when pain is documented by pain scoring. (Mandatory)
Hospitalisation records for 5 cases:
2.4a Pain assessment is routinely performed for rabbits. (10 points)
Upload evidence of pain scoring for 3 cases:
3. Acute pain management
3.1 A pure mu agonist (methadone, morphine, oxymorphone, hydromorphone) is used for all surgical procedures. (Mandatory)
Please provide an anaesthetic record for a cat spay (buprenorphine acceptable), bitch spay, soft tissue case and orthopaedic case (if performed).
3.2 NSAIDs are routinely used for surgical procedures (Mandatory)
Upload case records x 3
3.3 Local anaesthetics are routinely used for surgical procedures. (Mandatory)
Upload case records x 3
3.4a Continuous/variable rate infusions are used for pain management in hospitalised or surgical patients. (10 points)
State which infusions are used:
Upload 5 records to document use
3.4b Nerve blocks are performed using ultrasound or nerve locator guidance. (20 points)
Upload 3 records to document use:
3.4c Physiotherapy is offered as part of post-op rehabilitation. (20 points)
Upload 3 records to document use:
4. Chronic pain assessment
4.1 Chronic pain scoring is used in dogs with chronic pain. (Mandatory)
Canine Brief Pain Inventory, LOAD, Helsinki Chronic Pain Index, Client Specific Outcomes Measures, Health Related Quality of Life Assessment (Vetmetrica).
State which scale(s) is/are used:
Upload 3 case records:
4.2 Chronic pain scoring is used in cats with chronic pain. (Mandatory)
Feline MusculoskeletaI Pain Index, Client Specific Outcome Measures, Health Related Quality of Life Assessment (Vetmetrica).
State which scale(s) is/are used:
Upload 3 case records:
5. Chronic pain management
5.1a Advice is sought on analgesic management for chronic pain cases (10 points)
Referral to or tele-consultation with a chronic pain practitioner.
Upload example of referral report or advice report:
5.1b Referral to a veterinary physiotherapist is practiced. (10 points)
For chronic pain cases.
Upload case details
5.1c Acupuncture is offered as part of a pain management plan. (10 points)
Upload evidence
Please provide approx 100-200 words about the practice to add to our website - can be copy and pasted from your own website
Please Note: You can attach multiple documents to each section of the form if required. Ensure all relevant files are uploaded in the appropriate sections.
*Please allow time for all of the attached documents to load and submit. We hope to have you onboard soon as a Zero Pain Practice!
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